Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Math Break

After a conversation with Maddie's JET teacher, I have decided to take a short break from math with Haley next year. Oh, don't get me wrong: we WILL be doing math, just not structured "curriculum" math. She had an awesome idea to do a budget-based math course. Haley and Maddie will have to research several different popular professions and find out the average salary. They will then have to put a budget together for each person/family. They will have to research places to live/dine/shop/etc. Since both girls are already WAY ahead of schedule as far as math courses, I think it will be fun to take a break from the textbooks. Now, I have an entire semester to plan!!! I'm planning on incorporating simple/compound interest, balancing a checkbook, and other life skills. Haley will probably also review Algebra II next year (on a much slower pace).

1 comment:

  1. That is a fantastic idea! Don't forget to make them add in tips to their budgets.
