Tuesday, May 12, 2009


What in the world am I teaching my kids???

Well, Haley and Maddie had their final exams in Spanish today. I guess the fact didn't really register to me this weekend. We enjoyed Sunday at the zoo as a family and have been swimming a lot in our pool. I asked the girls to make flashcards of the vocabulary they didn't know this weekend, so they had been studying those. However, when I looked at Haley's study sheet on Monday night (at 7:30 p.m. after teaching piano for 5 hours), I realized that there was a WHOLE lot more she needed to know for the test. So. . . . we studied and studied and studied! She stayed up until 10:00 with me, then I woke her up before 7 to study some more. In addition to hundreds of vocabulary words (some of which she didn't even know the English counterpart), she had to conjugate over a dozen irregular verbs. I am pretty proud of her for hanging in there. She is just too young to understand the concept of studying and I should have been on top of this during the semester! Good news: I think she did okay on the test. The teacher gave them the final 10 minutes to look in their book, so she said she frantically looked up items that she had left blank on the test. Maddie was a little better off. The teacher wanted them to review last semester's information as well as the new. So. . . . . she knew half the stuff already. I think Haley and I learned our lesson about waiting until the last moment possible to study!!

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